Born To Rise

October, 2022 - June, 2023

Unreal Engine 4, C++

2.5D Action-Platformer. Available in Steam

Made By

Born To Rise

Racoons Make Games

Born To Rise represents the culminating project for my HND in Videogames Programming at ESAT. This project involves the collaborative development of a 2.5D platformer undertaken by a diverse team consisting of 7 programmers, 6 artists, and 3 game designers. To check the game's evolution, you can follow its progress at Born To Rise.

This experience has been designed to emulate the dynamics of a professional video game studio closely. Operating under tight schedules marked by deadlines and crucial milestones, such as the prototype and first playable versions, we adhere to an adapted version of the scrum methodology. Weekly sprints define our work cycles, commencing and concluding with meetings that evaluate the progress of each department and gauge our alignment with project objectives.

The main challenge encountered during this project was ensuring cohesion and communication among team members and other disciplines to respect the game vision. This challenge prompted me to step up and become the programming team coordinator. This experience not only helped me drastically improve my communication, team leadership, and collaborative skills but also made me realize that teamwork is the key to success.

What I did

  • Development of the core mechanics of the player
  • Integration of all the player's animations
  • Camera system
  • Development of the pickups and doors
  • Coordinator of the programming team

Game Features

  • Movement mechanics: jump, walljump, mantle,...
  • Action mechanics: aim, shoot, attack,...
  • Complex animation integration with multiple actors coordination, bone blending and effects on gameplay
  • Camera system that dynamically adapts to certain volumes that restrict camera settings and movement
  • Pickups with different effects and interactions

The repository of this project is private but code snippets may be given to anyone interested in its implementation. Contact me for more information.