
November, 2021 - April, 2022

Unity, C#

Space multidirectional shooter arcade video game

Made By

Carmen Martín Moreno

Mario Rodríguez Chaves

Spaceshock is a space arcade shooter game where you control a spaceship that has to survive waves of enemies by shooting and attacking them.

The focus of this project was to challenge ourselves in developing an enjoyable gameplay experience with great enemy variation and just four mechanics.

Finally, we studied how game feel can affect and improve the gameplay experience by implementing several techniques like:

  • VFX in the dash, enemy spawn, enemy death, explosions.
  • Audio cues and SFX to inform the player of certain events such as: a wave begins, the player is hit, an enemy is dead, the dash is available, etc.
  • Custom and responsive UI and menus.
  • Gamepad interactions like rumble.
  • Camera shake and time dilation to enhace gameplay events.

What I did

  • Spaceship movement and control.
  • Enemy design and implementation.
  • Scoreboard and game selection menus.
  • Enemy wave alert.
  • General art design and neon shader.
  • Gamepad interactions.
  • Background stars effect.

The repository of this project is private but code snippets may be given to anyone interested in its implementation. Contact me for more information.