Teseo Bros

October 2022 - Today

Unreal Engine 4, C++

Online multiplayer action game where you must escape from the minotaur's labyrinth

Made By

Carmen Martín Moreno

Mario Rodríguez Chaves

Teseo Bros is an online multiplayer game developed in Unreal Engine 4 where up to two players must control one of the two brothers, Teseo and Leseo, to try and escape the labyrinth they are trapped in while fighting rats and the mighty Minotaur.

What I did

  • The rats' artificial intelligence using Behavior Trees and the Unreal Perception System.
  • The character Leseo: movement, inventory management, levers and doors activation.
  • UI and menus.
  • All interactable elements: doors, levers, pressure plates and portal.


  • Two distinct characters each with their own unique abilities.
  • Online multiplayer.
  • Full animations and sound.
  • Full core game loop with win/lose state and main and pause menu.
  • Interactable objects such as pickups, levers, doors and pressure plates.
  • Enemies with complex AI behaviour that are able to see and hear you.

The repository of this project is private but code snippets may be given to anyone interested in its implementation. Contact me for more information.